My promise to my knight in shining armour. (This one is for the single ladies)

My friends and I were discussing getting promise rings, a symbol of our promise to remain sexually pure until we got married. Having been raised to highly value sexual purity (not to sound proud ) but this is one promise that I have kept with little effort. So to speak this is an area of strength. Does that make me a woman of steel? Hardly!

It’s easy to make a promise when it requires little commitment but then I thought to myself what other ways I could break the promise of purity? What have I allowed my eyes to see, my ears to listen to and my mouth to say that compromise my promise of purity.

The world is rife with sex scandals, promiscuity and small houses (mistresses) and for those who have remained sexually pure this sometimes creates a false sense of superiority and accomplishment.  Sadly many other things go unnoticed as sex before marriage has become the norm and pornography a secret sin of many. Single ladies have allowed themselves to become a dime-a-dozen to any willing guy  who can show just a little affection. We pin our hopes of a knight in shining armour on any poor soul who will hang around long enough to cast what seems like a caring look upon a damsel in distress.  Let’s be honest for a moment. Have you ever caught yourself trying to angle for that guy you thought that ‘God had intended’ for you? Did he come chasing after you? Probably not.

Keep the promise you made to yourself and to God. I’m sure you have heard this said before – a woman must be so hidden in God that a man has to seek God to find her. Purity is not just about remaining sexually pure its about guarding your heart, by guarding the gates of your eyes, ears and mouth. Though purity is rare in this day and age, it’s easy to tell the authentic from the fake. So when God does bring my knight in shining armour my desire is to give that promise ring to him knowing that I kept the promise to him but more importantly to God.